Call: 07184 - 258814


SrCH for 50 EW

Senior Citizen Homes For 50 Elderly Women

1 Awarness and couselling in society

2 Idetification of Beneficaries

3 Provide Shelter, Nutrition, Medical check-up ,treatment, recreation and Refferal Services etc

4 Link the Beneficaries to Govt Hospitals

5 Counselling to their Families to understand the mentality of senior citizen


The main objective of the programs is to provide recognition and opportunity to senior citizens to contribute and thereby feel useful to the society. Our NGO providing free Shelter facility ,medical care, Medicine ,Breakfast two times Meal, counseling and referral etc. to improve the quality of life of the Senior Citizens, by encouraging productive and active ageing through the Maintenance of Senior Citizens' Homes for 50 elderly Women.

Beneficiary, Staff List and Food Menu

Particular View
1) SrCH Beneficiary 23-24 View SrCH Beneficiary 23-24
2) SrCH Beneficiary 24-25 View SrCH Beneficiary 24-25
3) SrCH Food menu View SrCH Food menu
4) SrCH Staff List 23-24 View SrCH Staff List 23-24
5) SrCH Staff List 24-25 View SrCH Staff List 24-25